About Us

WE are the answer and soulution.
WE are here to empower our family of humanity to consciously choose our Soul’s (r)evolutionary destiny of awakening in this Golden Age upon us.

The living transmission from The Truth’s library begins with The Truth, The Journey Within film’s message and the companion self-mastery book, Unveiling The Truth, The Journey Within, which is the expanded “downloaded” message and our direct path to self-mastery and liberation, received through Message-Bearer and Wayshower, Carla Lee Johnston, our Founder and Director.

The invitation is to begin the journey within, reclaiming The Truth of “your why,” as you rise up to live love embodied. So together, hand-within-hand and heart-within-heart, we can boldly serve our liquid genius, uniting to co-create Our New Earth; a thriving world and future that honors and serves the highest good for all… ushering in heavenly realities one-heart-at-a-time, in this Golden Age of Miracles upon us.

Our Mission

WE are the answer and soulution. WE exist to empower our family of humanity to reclaim our sacred sovereignty and divine birthrights as global citizens, as we unite to consciously co-create anew in the truth frequency, our global awakening and spiritual renewal that fosters meaningful connections that celebrate our Soul’s destiny to serve our divine purpose of our lives on an ascending planet in this Golden Age upon us.

We are here in this Eternal Now to embody the divine remembrance that is beckoning us to transcend this fear-based mutant matrix as we resurrect the divinity of our human Soul covenant. As we awaken the truth of who we are beyond conditioning and the lies of separation, we unite to honor our gifts to serve as sovereign sacred warriors, worldbridgers and wayshowers―igniting our collective clarion call to be the critical tipping point uniting our global family of humanity in Godspeed. It is time to heal, forgive, empower, and reclaim our Soul’s sovereignty one heart at a time.

As we awaken to the truth of our Soul’s true identity and become seated in the throne room where divine authority guides our heart’s fierce love, we courageously align our lives to serve our individual gifts “on purpose” – collaborating to write our epic love story.

Love’s inextinguishable fire fuels conscious relationships and communities united to build and live worldwide together in harmony and stewardship with nature, within unshakeable peace, regeneration, and inventive collaboration – birthing Our New Earth in this prophesied moment written before and beyond time.

OneTeam Humanity is our 501c3 non-profit, in service to assisting humanity’s awakening through providing heart-expanding transcendent re-education―serving as a living healing to support our global family to reclaim our direct relationship with The Living Eternal God, the Inner Christos spirit within, to rise up together as we build Our New Earth, rendering the old collapsing systems obsolete.

We choose to be a Benevolent Model and refuse to participate in corporate or marketing structures whose focus is on shareholder’s profit or loss in the I/me/my self-serving paradigms. 100% of our net proceeds and your loving support goes towards building an on-going A-Z Resource Library for our self-mastery and build healing centers for humanity.

Our soul focus is aligning to and creating on-going dynamic reality-bending curriculum to help humanity heal and reclaim our sovereignty. By activating our Creation DNA through healing energy technologies we rise up as the critical mass tipping point, to heal our hearts, our bodies, as we end mind’s programming from the lies and systems of separation.

Our Message-Bearer

“It is in the silence that everything is created.”

The Truth’s genesis―our collective awakening story―streamed through me as an Akashic library revealing the direct path to unlocking humanity’s latent divinity within all.

My life forever changed in that instant, as my role of service to share this wisdom was made manifest. The Truth is not my story. The Truth is our epic love story; scripted and prophesized before and beyond time.

From My Heart to Yours,

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Transcendence is not for the chosen or privileged chosen individual; it is the Creation Blueprint that lives within the heart of the Human Masterpiece. We are awakening to our spiritual identity, made known within our physical vessel―a sacred chalice of the One Source made manifest. We are here in this Eternal Now to embody the divine remembrance that is beckoning our hearts home, to transcend this fear-based mutant matrix, and to resurrect the divinity of our human Soul covenant.

Your invitation to red-pill your awakening begins in the journey within, reclaiming The Truth of “your why.” Igniting your own inextinguishable fire of truth within you; as you rise up from the ashes of masked identity, to live your why, “all in,” as love embodied. Together, hand-within-hand and heart-within-heart, we can boldly and unapologetically be seen and celebrated to serve our liquid genius.

Beyond belief, beyond our conditioning, beyond our core shared wounds of separation, betrayal, heartbreak, and suffering lives The Truth’s clarion call home to heal our hearts, reclaim our divine directive and authority, to forever be set free. The time is now to activate your Creation DNA Blueprint―to thrive, as love embodied―our unborn and undying superlative Supreme Truth of Who WE already are and can never not be.

This catalytic wisdom contained in The Film and The Book’s expanded message of self-mastery, exposes The Grand Deception underlying dogmatic conditioned constructs of beliefs dividing human perception into opposing camps, where partial truth reigns supreme in self-perpetuating traps. By first illuminating the lies hiding in plain sight that have distorted the nature of reality and the nature of our direction relationship with The Living Eternal God, the Inner Christos spirit, we can then reclaim Creation’s Source wisdom living unborn within our Soul covenant, awakening the temple of remembrance within our sacred heart. As mental prisons collapse, space opens your heart to quantum leap into your embodied remembrance of Creation love, catalyzing the tipping point of Our Great Awakening. Remembering your cellular truth reclaims The Truth of who you already are….an ever-expanding spiral of conscious evolution.

In this Golden Age of Miracles upon us, The Truth’s living message ushers in the invitation and clarion call to unite our hearts of love, as stewards of Gaia and all sentient life. Here in this Eternal Now we reclaim the truth of our omnipresence as the truth sets us free.

Beloveds, let us unite the exponential power of “two or more,” to be the critical mass tipping points of love embodied as we co-create heavenly realities, in Creation’s namesake.

Blessing Others

Every dollar you invest in The Truth’s living wisdom supports us in expanding our reach into our global family.

If you wish to bless others by contributing to our “pay-it-forward” model to help our family of humanity heal and thrive, together we will help those who are in need of healing, or blessings. Whether it be a one-time donation, volunteering, becoming a Truth Partner Affiliate , or joining our team to rock your genius as we love into the crevices of humanity’s greatest needs. If you’ve been blessed in your own healing journey by The Truth’s living message, join us by sharing the love forward, for our liberation is bound to one another’s hearts awakening and reclaiming the truth of who we are!

The Truth Film

The Film

What if what we’ve believed our whole lives is not the truth of who we are or why we are here? The Truth, The Journey Within is a living message―our epic love story in the making. It’s not a secret. It’s The Truth.

The Truth Film

The Book

Unveiling The Truth, The Journey Within.
The companion revelation and self-mastery
tools for our global family to reclaim
the sovereign truth of who we are,
beyond the lies of separation.

Great Awakening

Great Awakening

Awaken Truth Within Red Pill Accelerator self-mastery course. Innerstanding the spiritual evolutionary context of “who am I” and “why am I here now” is the only real truth worth discovering to set you free…

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