Unveiling The Truth, The Journey Within

The Book - Your Invitation To Liberation

Discover within this living transmission the loving wisdom guidance that sets you free – unveil and apply self-mastery tools to unravel conditioned assumptions perpetuating suffering in humanity’s collective Separation Story.

Imagine a world of awakened hearts reclaiming their sovereign Creation birthright of unshakeable inner peace, imperishable love, and unity within all life by courageously questioning the lies of separation’s enslavement hiding in plain sight.

Unveiling The Truth, The Journey Within unleashes love’s liberation from the conditioned Separation Story enslaving humanity in suffering. This integrative transmission guides seekers to penetrate the veil and question long-held assumptions. By mastering presence in “the gap” between our automatic reaction and our conscious response, space opens to witness and transcend limiting identity roles we’ve worn (and worn out). The silent language of love’s Holy Spirit within you awakens Creation’s DNA dormant Divine wholeness. This living wisdom immerses consciousness into breakthroughs unveiling our true Creation Story as Cosmic Consciousness.

As enough awaken from collective amnesia incurred by falsely overidentifying with an anxious “me,” old tormenting mind prisons dissolves through cosmic laughter celebrating impermanent roles played across the Eternal Now. Your Soul’s covenant and destiny is here now to heal ancestral trauma, to re-align life through unveiled eyes and to embody fierce sovereign inner freedom, realizing your heart’s joyful Soul-led purpose. The Truth’s ever-unveiling evolutionary dance steps forth at long last to set our heart’s free to quicken Our Great Awakening in this Golden Age of Miracles upon us.

The Truth, The Journey Within is our epic love story in the making.
We are the answer and soulution we’ve been praying for.

How To Purchase

Unveiling The Truth, The Journey Within is the direct path to self-mastery and your liberation from all that you are not, as the truth sets you free.

Unveiling The Truth,
The Journey Within

Discover within this living transmission the loving wisdom guidance that sets you free – unveil and apply self-mastery tools to unravel conditioned assumptions perpetuating suffering in humanity’s collective Separation Story.

$18.99 + (S&H)

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ARE YOU READY TO LET THE TRUTH SET YOU FREE? Discover within this living transmission the loving wisdom guidance that sets you free – unveil and apply self-mastery tools to unravel conditioned assumptions perpetuating suffering in humanity’s collective Separation Story.


PDF Book


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Audio Book

Allow this wisdom to permeate you in your comings and goings. Amazing travel companion to receive this transmission through all of your senses.


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Unveiling The Truth, The Journey Within guides seekers to question long-held assumptions to penetrate the veil hiding our Creation DNA wholeness.

We have all been conditioned to seek truth outside of core Self, yet how often do we look in the only place it hides—within? A message from beyond unveils the direct path for gaining self-mastery, breaking the chains of suffering enslaved within our shared Separation Story. This living transmission awakens and liberates the heart and mind to reclaim and live the truth of who only you were created to be. Imagine breaking the amalgamation of identity’s chokehold by courageously examining narratives enslaving you within claustrophobic roles of person-hood, where suffering persists. Are you ready to transcend mind’s grip―and the misery stabilizers numbing unprocessed trauma handed down generationally?

Transcendence is not for the privileged individual; it is the Creation Blueprint that lives within the heart of the Human Masterpiece. Humanity is awakening to our spiritual identity, made known within our physical vehicle – a sacred chalice of the Source made manifest. As we embody the divine remembrance that is beckoning us to transcend this fear-based mutant matrix, WE resurrect our full genetic human soul covenant in this Golden Age upon us. 
– The Voice Of Truth

This catalytic wisdom exposes The Grand Deception underlying dogmatic conditioned fundamentals dividing human perception into opposing camps, where partial truth reigns supreme in self-perpetuating traps. By first illuminating the lies hiding in plain sight we can then turn within, seeking Source wisdom living unborn within our soul covenant, awakening the temple of remembrance within our sacred heart. As mental prisons collapse, space opens your heart to rewrite your epic love story; a prophesized story scripted before time. Our current global unraveling invites the essential drivers for our individual awakening—from the micro to the macro—as we quantum leap in embodied witness of Creation love, catalyzing Our Great Awakening. Remembering your cellular truth reclaims The Truth of who you already are….an ever-expanding spiral of conscious evolution, as the truth sets you free.

The Truth Film

The Film

What if what we’ve believed our whole lives is not the truth of who we are or why we are here? The Truth, The Journey Within is a living message―our epic love story in the making. It’s not a secret. It’s The Truth.

The Truth Film

The Book

Unveiling The Truth, The Journey Within.
The companion revelation and self-mastery
tools for our global family to reclaim
the sovereign truth of who we are,
beyond the lies of separation.

Great Awakening

Great Awakening

Awaken Truth Within Red Pill Accelerator self-mastery course. Innerstanding the spiritual evolutionary context of “who am I” and “why am I here now” is the only real truth worth discovering to set you free…

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