The Truth, The Journey Within

Awakening To Live Your Soul’s Destiny

These self-mastery courses will examine and revolutionize how you think and feel, awakening your Soul’s destiny, to unlock and reclaim the truth of who you already are. Transcendence is not for the privileged individual; it is the Creation Blueprint that lives within the heart of your Human Masterpiece. Awakening to your spiritual identity and divine remembrance is the why you are here in this Eternal Now!

Beloved One, there is nowhere to go. Nothing to find, become or become to know and live the truth of who you already are and the why you came here in this Golden Age upon us.

To awaken into the truth of who you truly be―your core unborn and undying essence―beyond the identity and roles we’ve all been conditioned into and are suffering within, you must be willing for at least for one extended moment in life to turn off all mass weapons of distractions that are deliberately designed to drain and siphon your life force. As you unpack all that you are not, what will become self-evident is the truth and power of your sovereign liberation as self-love embodied “all in.”

Heart-within-heart we’ll be deep diving to unravel the Grand Paradox of ego. You’ll connect the dots to witness how your outer world shaped your identity, your “beliefs,” and behaviors. And, most importantly, you’ll witness how these unconscious patterns hinder your path to awakening to live your purpose and authenticity.

You’ll learn to harness perfect clarity to break self-limiting chokeholds. As you empower conscious self-mastery into your relationships, mental prisons collapse, and space opens to rewrite your epic love story beyond time-bound chains. In the power of divine presence, your natural unborn state prior to adopting the many transient roles we’ve worn (and worn out) that generate amnesia, depriving you from knowing yourself as the Source of eternal wholeness. Awakening is about your divine emergence. No secret remains veiled for long to those surrendered in compassionate service to love’s feast, as we remember and live the truth of our divine inheritance.

The eye of the needle is the refiner’s fire. The only way out of the pain of separation is in. If you are ready and courageous enough to open your heart to embark on a direct path to self-awareness and liberation, then I invite you to dive “all in” to love on purpose, to awaken ‘your why,’ as you script your epic love story; a story scripted before and beyond time.

Choose Your Journey

The Truth, The Journey Within is the direct path to self-mastery and your liberation from all that you are not, as the truth sets you free.

Awaken Truth Within Self-Mastery Master’s Course

This is your “red pill” invitation to question and suspend your beliefs (if only for the duration of this Self-Mastery Master’s Course) to let The Truth set you free. One-time payment and 3 monthly payment options available. Includes (R)evolutionize My Relationship Course.


6 Modules
56 Lessons
Film: Infinite Streams
Book: eBook
Monthly Live Q&A
Private Community

(R)evolutionize My Relationships 8-Week Self-Mastery Course

Ready to finally close “the gap” of separation in relationship, to radicalize and achieve the intimacy and heart’s longing to express and live from the language of your heart? Get ready for the date of your lifetime to uplevel every relationship―from conscious parenting, family dynamics, to our most intimate whispers. Built around two potent modules from the Awaken course.


$44 (x3)
3 Monthly Payments
17 Lessons
Film: Infinite Streams
Book: eBook
Monthly Live Q&A
Private Community

Our mission is to serve and offer this life-shifting wisdom without financial barriers. See FAQ’s If you cannot pay the full course amount and would like to be considered for a full or partial grant. Please send email us at sharing the reason for your request. We will tithe course tuition in full or partially monthly, so let us know how we can serve.

Your Course has everything you need

Every course offering comes with The Truth’s film’s wisdom, Unveiling The Truth expanded study book, 2-monthly live Zoom Sessions with Carla & our private community, all lessons, downloads and special offers for live events, and Warriors of Wisdom special guest appearances.

Maggie Sinay, Photo

Being a Newlywed and already struggling over power and communication, this course changed my thinking about my relationship with my husband, and literally gave myself and my husband not just tools but an inner shift in beliefs about what it means to be a “wife” and “husband,” which has created the foundations that will keep our love alive and thriving!

Phillipines Father_Son
Johnnie K.

Because of The Truth, The Journey Within film’s message, The Language of Compassion and Relationship teachings, I reunited with my father on his dying bed and restored our relationship after 20 years of estrangement. This wisdom on relationship, forgiveness and love reunited and healed my entire family. My family is forever indebted to The Truth—it has set me and my family free to love beyond our conditioning!


Course F.A.Q.

Yes! We are all awakening and are at different points on our journey back to our hearts throne room and liberation.

As I shared, this course is a “red pill” rocket-fuel accelerator. Being around others who are further along on their journey will definitely exalt you in your own journey. What is so powerful about the spiritual technology of true community is when you are struggling, you will discover that you are not alone and that other brothers and sisters testimonial will help you connect the dots to serve you in your unique one-of-a-kind classroom of your life and your relationships. It is not cliché’ to say, we are all One, you will experience that our pain is universal and when one heals, we all experience healing, each in our own way.

Awaken Truth Within is not about knowing a “concept” and “applying” it, this course is about experientially weaving this wisdom, beyond practice, into the crevices of your relationships, and life while knowing there is soul family to lift you and be the wind beneath your wings when you feel like you’re falling.

Ultimately, our liberation is bound to one another, and when love’s compassion and holy fire of truth is unleashed into your reflective world, the lies of separation yield to witness the bounty and power-within our true brother and sisterhood.

No matter where you are in your journey, The Supreme Truth of our unity, is the invincible power of two or more that truly will rewrite the books of life. You are here, we are here in this Eternal now to unleash our liquid genius as love embodied, becoming the inextinquishable torch to light the path for others, as together, we write our epic love story!

No, absolutely not! This self-mastery course is not a race to some finish line. You have lifetime access to these self-mastery teachings and course. Your unveiling is about weaving this mastery into your life until you experientially witness your inner kingdom and relationships shifting will tell you it’s time to move until the next module. We’ve been so programmed to compete―to race―to cram for the exam―to win at the game of life. Self-mastery happens outside of the constraints of time. Self-love and self-honor are key as divine grace will guide your heart to know when it is time to proceed. I’m here to walk with you hand-within-hand and heart-within-heart, so it doesn’t matter how long it takes to go through these wisdom pointings, just so you stay fervently focused to stay the journey back home to your sacred heart’s remembrance ….

Soon, very soon, you will witness that there is no where to go, nothing to find, to become, or unbecome. What you seek you already are…
Remember Soulrocker, “All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered; the point is to discover them…

Trust divine will and grace to guide your heart to liberation… And I’ll be there guiding and supporting you home to your liberation!

It will vary depending on your life needs. I would recommend that to start your journey, you set aside 1-2 hours, ideally every day. It takes 26-30 days to expand neural pathways. You’ll receive self-mastery tools to being to integrate, but you alone will have to do the work. If you don’t have that amount of time to start, you can put in as much time as you have and move at your own pace, as you are the master Creator of your world, you will set your pace and journey. Breathe easy, this Golden Age is activated your Creation DNA which will support our Godspeed healing and ascension, if you know you’re here to “love” all in and in the deepest of sense you long to be a part in co-creating Our New Earth.

It doesn’t matter how long you take to go through the course curriculum. Some teachings you will wish to visit again and again until the programming dissolves the barriers to love. All the lessons are online and in video format. You have lifetime access so you can explore and integrate them when life’s challenges divert your heart. To experience your heart’s liberation, you will want to experientially weave these wisdoms into your heart, and into the reflection of your relationships. Let your heart be your guide.

As long as you stay fervently focused to know yourself as self-love, your awakening alone will keep you moving forward. I promise you, your heart and world will never be the same.

The lessons are very thorough, but that’s why I’ve committed to being there for you bi-monthly on live calls. Daily, our private Facebook peer-to-peer community is there to support you anytime you may feel stuck or wish to celebrate victories in your life. Here, you will connect with Soul family to practice the teachings, role-play, and cheer one another as together we break the shackles of our shared core wounds of separation.

The most exalting gift that the spiritual technology of true community provides is accountability, reflection, witness in a non-judgmental sanctuary, the exponential power of two or more being healed, for we truly are all One. Awaken’s Soul family is where we come to be fed, nourished, and grow together.

My trained team is here to assist you if you get technically stuck with your lessons.

Don’t worry, be happy! Although I would highly suggest you join us to experience the exponential power-within two or more, our Q&A is recorded, and you can watch the replay anytime. What’s potently evident is that healing is non-linear so you will gain experiential healing just from its witness.

If you miss the live, I highly encourage you to watch the replay (and again), as you will gain valuable insights in areas of your own life that you may also be seeking clarity or feel stuck.

The gift of our live community is that you will always learn something at every Q&A, as we all gain from watching others share and heal, as we address and have their questions answered or struggles prayed for, as there is no better medicine than the love and exponential prayers exalted within your family!

So, so many are lost now, in fear’s grips, and questioning life and relationships, trying to make sense of what is senseless in our current world’s lies of separation. Breathe Dear One, Module 1 will begin to direct your heart, and steps, so that the journey to awakening will seem clearer. We are all at different points in our journey to awakening and our homecoming. Even if all you do know is that you do not know, being human (AI is strictly forbidden) is the only requirement for you to join our awakening Soulrockin’ party!!! We chose to be here in this Golden Age upon us as we witness, at long last, Our Great Awakening and epic love story unfolding one-heart-at-a-time!

With each Module and the love in your heart to know your “why,” trust that divine will and grace brought you here…

Our conditioning has us believing that someone or something outside of us will be the answer we’ve been seeking. The truth is, your life and relationships are your everyday modern-day curriculum. And within you is everything you need to break the shackles of separation and suffering to be set free to embody love―the truth of who only you came here to be and already are, beyond the who the world shaped you to be…

It’s $444 USD for a one-time payment. You can also make 3 monthly payments of $197, billed monthly for the 1st 3 months. I’ve kept this course priced low enough so as to hopefully allow everyone to join. I will also tithe 10% of the total monthly courses in a pay-it-forward heart for humanity for all those who are ready to let The Truth’s living message for humanity set them free. No one who earnestly seeks liberation should be denied due to financial constraints.

If you cannot afford full payment, or our payment plan, please apply for a grant directly at: I will pray over and review these and we’ll get back to everyone. Please extend patience and grace as we’ll have a lot on our heartplates as The Truth expands into the crevices of our global family of humanity.

This self-mastery course is continual enrollment so join us as life allows, when your heart says you are ready to begin the journey.

Loving Caution: Mind believing mind will never be anything more, or less, than its current level of consciousness. Mind will come up with all kinds of “reasons,” mass weapons of distractions as obstacles to detour you from reclaiming your sovereign authority and liberation from mind’s separation from your heart. Mind cannot live without you. You, as consciousness, will be set free from mind, so let your heart’s prompting and your emotional feeling intelligence be your guide. So if you feel the prompting now, honor your heart and begin the journey. Every teaching will support your opening up space and peace to reclaim self-love and your victory.

You are the sovereign Creator of your world… Join us whenever your heart says, I’m all in to love!!!

Your link to your Kajabi course will allow you free access to the app for the entire Awaken Truth Within Self-Mastery Course, so you will not need to pay for anything extra. All teachings and self-master companion tools, downloads, and references are provided free of charge within your course.

And, as a VIP member, you’ll reap the benefits of 40% discounts for our Awaken and WE Relationship Live Events, as well as our upcoming WE Sacred Union, The Book, releasing in July 2024.

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Want more Truth? Visit our store for more evolutionary offerings, bundles, courses, free love offerings, live events, wisdom and more!

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Want more Truth? Visit our store for more products, bundles, courses, wisdom and more!

Every part of your human journey plays an essential role in your spiritual awakening, even suffering.

We have all been conditioned to seek truth outside of core Self, yet how often do we look in the only place it hides—within? The Truth’s message from beyond unveils the direct path for gaining self-mastery, breaking the chains of suffering enslaved within our shared Separation Story. In these awakening courses, this living transmission awakens, guides, and liberates the heart and divine mind in a connect-the-dots sequence, as you unpack all that you are not to reclaim the truth of who only you came here to be.  Imagine breaking the amalgamation of identity’s chokehold by courageously examining narratives enslaving you within claustrophobic roles of person-hood, where suffering persists. Are you ready to transcend mind’s grip―and the misery stabilizers numbing unprocessed trauma handed down generationally?

Transcendence is not for the privileged individual; it is the Creation Blueprint that lives within the heart of the Human Masterpiece. Humanity is awakening to our spiritual identity, made known within our physical vehicle – a sacred chalice of the Source made manifest. As we embody the divine remembrance that is beckoning us to transcend this fear-based mutant matrix, WE resurrect our full genetic human soul covenant in this Golden Age upon us.
– The Voice Of Truth

This catalytic wisdom exposes The Grand Deception underlying dogmatic conditioned fundamental beliefs dividing human perception into opposing camps, where partial truth reigns supreme in self-perpetuating traps. By first illuminating the lies hiding in plain sight we can then turn within, seeking Source wisdom living unborn within our Soul’s covenant, awakening the temple of remembrance within our sacred hearts, within relationship to Self and “the other.” As mental prisons collapse, space opens your heart to write your epic love story; a prophesized story scripted before time. Our current global unraveling invites individual awakening—from the micro to the macro—as we quantum leap our embodied remembrance of Creation love, catalyzing Our Great Awakening. Remembering your cellular truth reclaims the truth of who you already are….an ever-expanding spiral of conscious evolution, as love’s imperishable truth sets you free.

The Truth Film

The Film

What if what we’ve believed our whole lives is not the truth of who we are or why we are here? The Truth, The Journey Within is a living message―our epic love story in the making. It’s not a secret. It’s The Truth.

The Truth Film

The Book

Unveiling The Truth, The Journey Within.
The companion revelation and self-mastery
tools for our global family to reclaim
the sovereign truth of who we are,
beyond the lies of separation.

Great Awakening

Great Awakening

Awaken Truth Within Red Pill Accelerator self-mastery course. Innerstanding the spiritual evolutionary context of “who am I” and “why am I here now” is the only real truth worth discovering to set you free…

Break Free From Fear

Get FREE 12 Fear-Busting Antidotes From Our Warriors of Wisdom