Dr. Michael Beckwith

Dr. Beckwith is the Spiritual Director of Agape International Spiritual Center, which he founded in 1986, as a trans-denominational spiritual community which teaches “universal truth principles found in the New Thought-Ancient Wisdom tradition of spirituality.”

Rev. Beckwith’s decades cultivating spiritual wisdom birthed the landmark Life Visioning Process used today for awakening one’s highest calling and service potential.

Grounded in meditation, mysticism and manifestation sciences, Dr. Beckwith’s embraceable teachings in The Truth, The Journey Within offer actionable guidance to deepen conscious awareness, forgiveness, and skillful perception amidst uncertainty. An internationally celebrated luminary spark-lighting spiritual evolution’s next stage, his wisdom unites head and heart – fusing scientific prayer, quantum laws with timeless metaphysical principles that holistically reconnects us to live the truth of who we are.

Through prolific humanitarian efforts, Beckwith amplifies collective awakening – providing powerful wisdom for whole-being mastery transcending dogma and beliefs. His esteemed books, retreats, and heart-mind trainings guide truth-seekers to surrender ego’s aims, unveiling our Soul’s destiny’s vision for our life.

Michael Beckwith eloquently unfolds the secrets of the deep inquiry for spiritual development, which leads to infinite possibilities in our lives.

– Deepak Chopra

Prolific author of over seven consciousness-expanding books including Living From the Overflow and Manifesto of Peace, Dr. Beckwith elaborates holistic laws for actualizing our divinity within.

As the recipient of numerous humanitarian awards, his global celebrations as a World Peace Leader spotlight first cultivating internal peace so outer ripples can spread.

In The Truth, The Journey Within film, Dr. Beckwith touches hearts by unveiling techniques like The Forty-Day Mind Fast Soul Feast – showing us how to transcend dogmatic limits, opening us to receive life’s innate brilliance even amidst uncertainty. By remembering the indestructible spiritual principles encoded in humanity’s Creation DNA, he sparks mass awakening – pointing to the truth that we can all access answers by turning within.

Dr. Beckwith’s timely teachings center on overcoming perceived separation by rediscovering the ever-present union of our sacred nature indwelling all Creation. By wholeheartedly realigning individual consciousness with our shared noble calling and Soul’s collective destiny, ripples spread – igniting Innate Boundless Potential seeded within every Soul across space and time.

The Truth Film

The Film

What if what we’ve believed our whole lives is not the truth of who we are or why we are here? The Truth, The Journey Within is a living message―our epic love story in the making. It’s not a secret. It’s The Truth.

The Truth Film

The Book

Unveiling The Truth, The Journey Within.
The companion revelation and self-mastery
tools for our global family to reclaim
the sovereign truth of who we are,
beyond the lies of separation.

Great Awakening

Great Awakening

Awaken Truth Within Red Pill Accelerator self-mastery course. Innerstanding the spiritual evolutionary context of “who am I” and “why am I here now” is the only real truth worth discovering to set you free…

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