Dr. Sue Morter

As an acclaimed international speaker, Dr. Sue Morter bridges science, spirit, and human potential as a master of bioenergetic medicine and quantum visionary. Her paradigm-bridging insights into energy healing ignites both personal and global transformation through the awakening of our innate creative genius.

Dr. Sue Morter’s paradigm-shifting contributions in The Truth, The Journey Within help ignite a personal transformation towards optimal health and creativity by bridging timeless Eastern wisdom with leading-edge quantum science. Through her decades of groundbreaking research into human energy fields, Dr. Morter empowers people to harmonize their own biophoton vibration using the revolutionary Energy Codes techniques outlined in her bestselling book. Her proven methods guide students to access heightened states of creative flow, healing, and cellular regeneration by rewiring subconscious limits.

An in-demand speaker, Dr. Morter shares stages with luminaries like Dr. Bruce Lipton and Gregg Braden at events spanning healthcare, personal growth, and spirituality. She trains physicians in the Energetic Medicine paradigm to master the subtle anatomy of meridian systems and chakras for profound patient breakthroughs. Named one of America’s Top Innovative Doctors, her teachings have reached over 45 countries and tens of thousands of people.

At her acclaimed Morter Health Center, Dr. Morter’s practice exemplifies her life’s work – to awaken the powerful innate healing intelligence so that thriving in body, mind and spirit becomes our normal state of being.

“Embody Inner Wisdom. Embrace True Healing. Unleash Your Magnificence.”

– Dr. Sue Morter

Illuminating the quantum link between thoughts, energy and embodiment, Dr. Morter shows how raising consciousness vibrations empowers mastery of life itself.

In the film The Truth, The Journey Within, Dr. Morter ignites new possibilities for living in creative genius and freedom. As a pioneering Bridge Builder between spiritual wisdom and scientific truths, she discusses how capturing high-frequency bioenergetic patterns activates our human potential.

Her visionary techniques guided by Energy Codes principles reveal how we can break free from limiting conditioning and rediscover our energetic influence as fractals of a greater universal field. As an awakened luminous teacher, Dr. Morter points to the truth of our inherent joy, love and indestructible nature that have waited to be remembered. She shares how each person uniquely contributes to the critical mass tipping point for global community co-creation – the next stage of our human evolution and the current Golden Age of Miracles upon us.

Through embodied wisdom, Sue guides our family of humanity to recognize their energetic sovereignty and reclaim the truth of who they are, beyond the lies of separation.

The Truth Film

The Film

What if what we’ve believed our whole lives is not the truth of who we are or why we are here? The Truth, The Journey Within is a living message―our epic love story in the making. It’s not a secret. It’s The Truth.

The Truth Film

The Book

Unveiling The Truth, The Journey Within.
The companion revelation and self-mastery
tools for our global family to reclaim
the sovereign truth of who we are,
beyond the lies of separation.

Great Awakening

Great Awakening

Awaken Truth Within Red Pill Accelerator self-mastery course. Innerstanding the spiritual evolutionary context of “who am I” and “why am I here now” is the only real truth worth discovering to set you free…

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