Bruce Lipton – Your Children, Break The Cycles of Wounding

Wisdom Warrior Bruce Lipton tells us how critical the first five years of our children’s lives are to shape the subconscious beliefs that run our lives.

What we now know is, that from birth to five years of age, everything a child receives through the physical outer senses through observations from our parents, siblings, significant roles models, the spoken and unspoken societal messages and anti-life programming coming from the 24/7 stream of “consumptive modeling,” and the education we received “from the big people” drilling in the “rules” and laws about how the world should or should not be, what is good and bad, right and wrong, gets recorded as truth.

This hypnogogic state is “a download state” which becomes the subconscious fundamental beliefs of our operating manual of how the world operates that plays into the “records” of belief software that runs and control our lives (until they don’t.)

What’s significantly game-changing about this truth is that these beliefs were formed outside of Soul’s Creation Blueprint and these beliefs were passed on from our parent’s and societal that we inherited.

These beliefs about your identity of “personhood” are not the truth of who you are―the “why” you are here.

When did we become separated from our own heart? Who answered the question Who am I, beyond the identity the world defined you as?

You, the essence of consciousness, are too vast to attach to a forming personality and your liberation comes as you examine and unshackle these separation programs that defined you, to reclaim your sovereign “why.”

Only when you can answer the question “who am I” will the truth set you free.

Our minds have been conditioned to seek linear answers outside of our own hearts.

Your liberation exists within your own heart and in the self-mastery of learning to discern and trust your inner sight and the subtleties that arise when we close our eyes, to see with the (in)sight that arises within our heart’s Source emotional intelligence of feelings.

To know oneself, we must be willing to question everything and rest in the silence within our own heart until what remains is our irrefutable innerstanding that cannot be satisfied by mind’s intellectual pursuit from understanding.

Your personality is attached to programmed archetypes and belief systems which are artificial intelligence downloaded by an external matrix of separation stories that are constantly changing.

Your true nature is unchanging. The mind cannot be without you. You, as consciousness, can be without the mind.

The Grand Deception is our shared Separation Story. Not one has escaped from the wounds and scars we all carry. We each are being called home to know our heart’s true liberation, to reclaim our sovereign Soul Creation identity and divine authority to live love embodied “on purpose…”  in this Golden Age of Miracles upon us.

Self-inquiry stirs the holy fire of truth within our hearts that will launch your rocket-fuel accelerator and direct path to bring you to the final answer.

Can the truth set you free?