Dr. Deborah Rozman, You Are Abundance & Happiness

Abundance and happiness is totally 100% an internal process. Other people can add to your happiness or abundance, but you want to get to the point that your state of joy is not reliant on anything or anyone outside of yourself.

Love can only be generated from within. You really can find non-circumstantial happiness within your own sacred heart. It is your heart that is the one true love affair to cultivate. By generating this Creation Source of abundance, self-love, and self-honor and self-care within yourself, you become sovereign and empowered, for you alone now hold the keys to your inner unshakeable peace and happiness.

Liberation begins by freeing ourselves of judgments of good, bad, right and wrong, within ourselves and with other people.

In the next frontier in our human evolution, in the The Golden Age of enlightenment that is upon us, we are learning to discern the frequency of truth and return to our hearts, where we can quiet our minds to listen and harvest our heart’s wisdom that unveils the direct experience of Emotional Enlightenment. This moment of now really is calling us to enter into the next Evolution of Awareness. As we model these self-mastery tools to our children at a very young age, we will begin to break the cycles of separation to collectively reshape a new connection to our hearts of compassion, within ourselves, and within one another.

The first step begins by innerstanding the heart and the mind and how they can either synchronize to work together or keep us incoherent and out of sync―thrown about on the rollercoaster of emotions. Emotions aren’t just reactions, they are choices. Emotions can either be the source of pain for ourselves and others, or they can be our innate intelligence that creates balance, peace and joy for ourselves and others. Emotional Intelligence is connected to our heart’s knowing and is the direct path to our authentic happiness.

Empowering our children with these skillsets are more essential than the most basic of fundamentals like reading, writing and arithmetic. As our future parents and leaders, it is mission critical that we empower our children’s hearts with the self-mastery skill of emotional intelligence, which is heart sourced inherently and prepares them for the school of life, which is wholly foundational to establishing authentically dynamic relationships.

Deborah shares why she is passionate about bringing Heartmath’s tools to our family of humanity. “We teach our children by teaching ourselves.” As we break unhealthy patterns of relationships, whether they be in our personal or business relations, we then are truly being the change we wish to see in the world; it really begins and ends with the self-mastery skills to regulate our emotions, grounded within our heart’s pure source intelligence.

Most of our current relating models were conditioned in “reacting” rather than true listening and then responding, beyond our trigger and wounds. So often we’ve been conditioned to see “the other” as the source of our pain and suffering, rather than examining through self-inquiry the source of our trigger, which really is our gift to liberation. When we’re in pain, our conditioned mind will do anything to take refuge in religion, alcohol, therapy, sports, shopping, sex, eating, aka: misery stabilizers.

Our liberation from pain begins by unpacking the core wounds of separation, which begins by examining the false belief systems handed down from belief systems from our parents, and their parents, and the story goes on and on, until we break the chains of reactions.

Through self-inquiry, we begin examining and unlearning the unbeneficial programs running, so that we can reclaim our heart’s innate wisdom, to become the source of love that can only be cultivated, from within. From this inner joy flows the wellsprings of experiencing life as abundant, which allows us to truly be with agreeable, or disagreeable people, and discover that we can be joy, regardless of what is happening in our “outer” world of relationships.

Engaging in heart coherence allows us to be more balanced, more fulfilled, and impactful in all of our relationships. Children are wired to mirror our actions, not our words, so the greatest gift we can bring our children, and our relationships, is our love and inner peace embodied.

In a world that has become so busy, we’ve lost our heart’s connection and presence. The Heartmath tools are simple tools. We are wired for heart connection. As we become proficient in mastering these skillsets we can naturally help others by becoming a living lifeforce mirror for others to see what is possible when we remain connected to our hearts. It is time to come together to bring these tools into our families, our schools, and our workplaces.

We encourage change hand-within-hand and heart-within-heart.

In the midst of systems collapsing around us, there is a mass awakening taking place within our hearts. The gift that stress and pain creates on our internal systems and false beliefs can serve as an essential driver to stop, “like a movie editor,” create “the gap” between the stimulus of trigger, and our response, by asking what would love be? What would love do? By examining what is and is not working in our lives and humbly ask, “is there another way?” opens our heart’s door of self-inquiry and silence to unveil the truth and direct path to our hearts as love.

The Truth is, The only way out, is in…