Dr. Henry Grayson, The Survival Brain

When we’ve had traumas, that information memory is encoded within the emotional center of our limbic survival brain.

When we are directed to think of that memory, our nervous and energy systems lights up and this survival brain literally hijacks our mind-body system and activates our fear/flight hormones, as if that memory were happening in real time. The mind doesn’t know it is not.

What we now know is that we can quiet and clear the mind and consciously create calm with our hearts when we direct our energy.

Neuroscientists around the world have discovered that our mind processes about 400 billion calculations per second.

Yet, at any one time, we are only aware of 2,000 of the 400,000,000,000 bits of information that is running in the background. Thus, at any one time, we are only conscious of a mere 0.00005 percent of what our brain is really doing. This means that ninety-five to ninety-eight percent of our behaviors and seeming choices are run by the autonomic subconscious, located in the limbic region of the brain. It is here that our programming―the behaviors, concepts and beliefs taught, modeled and mirrored during early childhood―are stored. It is this conditioned identity and negative programming of how life is or should be that undercuts the conscious choices we would otherwise make: to live expressing as the fully empowered spirit-human beings we are, in an irreducible communion and unity with all life.

When you are having trouble monitoring your emotional reactions and disturbing thoughts, it means there are encodings of trauma that need to be cleared from your limbic system or subconscious mind. And it is due to such conditioned programming that we continue allowing certain people who are not essentially positive for us, yet to whom we feel a sense of familiarity or kinship, remain in our relational life.

It is part of nature’s grand intelligent design to call us home to our truest nature, to re-member that which we most need to learn in our journey to full conscious awakening. The same type of people or circumstances will return, again and again, creating the picture you have believed reality is. The triggers will come in different packaging, as gifts that provide the fastest path to unveiling pure truth as your liberation. If you create “the gap” and choose (inner) sight to see each experience and every stimulus as an opportunity to turn inward, to question the thoughts you are thinking, then you unlock your DNA Creation Source Codes to access the infinite possibilities of pure source consciousness and love you are and can never not be.

Your true inner power and freedom becomes firmly rooted and established in your heart’s kingdom, as you choose self-love to create “the gap,” to inquire within to see the core trauma wound to clear the old programming to re-program new neural “set points” that, ultimately, raises your default vibration which allows you to then respond with love, compassion, forgiveness, and gratitude.

Your freedom exists with the mirror of relationship, where we discover who we are and who we are not.

So often we see “the other” as the source of our suffering.

The truth is that all relationships are the perfect mirror and invitation to set ourselves free from the core wounds within us that get triggered within relationship. This self-realization becomes the evolution that forever ends the emotional commerce games tied to the lies of separation; the only world where suffering exists.

When you are triggered it is your survival brain that attempts to takes over to protect you. Until you consciously choose to return to your heart’s Source intelligence, which opens the field of consciousness to coherently align to love, where infinite access and healing resides.
This power to access the truth of who you are, beyond the limitations of mind’s programming and the trauma response of defense lives within every cell of your being.

Henry brings to us in Unveiling The Truth, The Journey Within book his 18-Second Thought Monitoring Process as a powerful tool to create “the gap” to witness the reactive thoughts that trigger our fear response, to see the moment of choice when we can choose love, over our conditioned patterns of fear.

Within this gap is where our freedom from separation lives within you! It is by choosing love that you become the human energy field of our heart radiating love, the Beloved that remembers the truth of who we are.

You alone have the power to unpower the thoughts that arise from our core wounds.

We have been told by our nation’s pharmaceutical companies that the depression we experience is a chemical imbalance which they believe to be innate.

While it is true that there is a chemical imbalance when we are triggered by the limbic survival brain response, what they do not understand is the actual cause of the imbalance. They do not convey that the serotonin and norepinephrine chemicals in the brain connected to the communication with our gut are changed by each thought we purchase and emotions that follow are a conscious choice. This is why numerous studies have shown that cognitive behavioral therapy is equally effective as antidepressants in relieving many forms of depression, without the toxic and negative spiraling health and side effects.

The truth is feelings buried alive never die and in order to heal you must feel. Empowered thoughts rule!

Witnessing thoughts arise, breathing into your diaphragm, creating “the gap” stimulates your subtle energies of love within your heart and energy meridians. With conscious intentionality to choose love and peace until the trigger subsides is your superpower and is far more effective and self-empowered for relieving anxiety as tranquilizers and mood stabilizers are. Most importantly, gaining sovereignty to create your experienced reality is not addictive (well actually, fully feeling alive vs. numbing out is a loving addictive good habit to write your own prescription as love and has no side effects.)

It is not the circumstances of our lives which influence our moods most but rather the stories we create about those circumstances that color our perceptions and experience to life. It is not what someone said or didn’t say, did, or did not do (the stimulus or trigger), that disturbs our peace of mind. It is the power you give to what you think about what someone said or did.

Your superpower exists within knowing yourself as your heart’s true essence, beyond the molestations of the mind. If you believe your thoughts, you suffer. You believe your thoughts they become reality for you. The ego loves the stories. The stories are how mind keeps you trapped in the illusions of separation.

Break up with your mind and trust the divine mind of God’s Creation to direct your steps as the direct path to free.

The application of knowledge comes within experientially living the truth… 

The Truth is, the only way out, is in…