Byron Katie, Are You Believing What You’re Thinking

We believe what we think and there is no more choice in our life…we must live our life from out of what we believe and it hurts.

Why is it that stressful thoughts seem to be the loops that override and evade our heart’s peace? So where does suffering exist? It exists within the mind that believes it is separate from your true nature.

Feelings are such a friend; they wake us up to what we are thinking.

Feelings buried alive never die and what you do not feel you cannot heal.

We enter a sacred time in this Golden Age of Miracles and love upon us when we are being called home to The Beloved within, where we reclaim our Creation Blueprint and sovereign authority to stop giving our power away to the mind and its illusions of separation.

Today, there are so many mass weapons of distractions vying for your heart space. Amid the storms swirling around us, we each now have the opportunity for freedom from stress and fear’s many masks. To gain self-mastery and stop leaking your Creation lifeforce, learning to create “the gap” between stimulus and the mind’s conditioned response is a direct path to freedom. Once you connect the dots to witness mind’s programming, you gain the conscious awareness of how to reclaim your sovereign power and divine authority over the mind and what it is believing, as you master being seated and resting within your heart’s kingdom, where the experience of vastness and peace surpasses all understanding, as you move beyond mind to be the truth of your superlative state of being as you cease to be the doer.

Why is it that stressful thoughts seem to be the loops that override and evade our heart’s peace? So where does suffering exist? It exists within the mind that believes it is separate from your true nature.

End of the war with the mind is the end of war with our partners, our children, our parents, our world… it’s the end of war!

Begin the journey. The only way out is in…

Katie’s wisdom and direct experience empowers you to question the thoughts you’re thinking; it is the end of suffering.

The Truth is you are not your thoughts or your mind. Learn how to discern the energetic difference mind vs. divine mind to stop believing, oxygenating, and giving away your power to the conditioning of your thinking mind. Is it not time to reclaim The Truth of who you already are, beyond the mind’s conditioning of separation lies?!